Just adding more resources to our current health system as it is, may not be the best approach. Let’s first get healthier.

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There is much concern about the doctor shortage. Indeed, some six million Canadians have no family doctor at all. Many medical caregivers are leaving the profession to escape the frustration, the excessive paperwork and the overwork. Hospital emergency wards are typically above capacity. Our elderly face difficult living conditions and are typically forced to leave their homes for a much less desirable, institutional option. One opinion piece in the Ottawa Citizen revealed the real-life case of a mother whose serious cancer testing was put on hold due to long waitlists.

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I appreciate the concerns expressed by those involved with the medical system; however, something is missing. We spend nearly all the money and effort in the system on sickness treatment. We spend next to nothing on sickness prevention and health promotion.

Instead, we sometimes create the very conditions that can make us sick:

• what we eat (fast foods for example);

• lack of healthy lifestyles and exercise;

• unhealthy environments (air pollution, pesticides, chemicals, overcrowding, plastics, electronics, etc.)

Here’s a perfect example of a glaring contradiction in our health system. On its website, Health Canada promotes a diet mostly based on plant foods. It tells us: “Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits” and “limit highly processed foods.” Yet we see ads on CBC, our public broadcaster, for various fast-food outlets featuring the very processed foods we are told to avoid.

More drugs, surgeries and vaccines appear to be our only protection and our only hope. Is it enough to add more medical professionals, more drugs, and more sickness treatments as our only answer to our current and future health concerns?

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Here’s one, perhaps novel thing we could do. Let’s try to become healthier.

Let’s develop and institute a high-profile National Disease Prevention Strategy with easily accessible public information that examines the varied elements that cause disease and the available means to personally and institutionally prevent them and promote better health. And let’s create a new HRA (Health Risk Assessment) tool that all Canadians can use to:

• assess their current health status (diets, lifestyles, pre-existing conditions, etc.);

• recommend actions to improve;

• track progress and revise accordingly.

This would require building on those HRAs that already exist here and in other countries. We even have one developed by our own Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. Check it out at: projectbiglife.ca. (Using that calculator, I’ve got a better than 50/50 chance of living past 94 years of age.)

Another essential component should be to identify and categorize all existing man-made and natural toxic substances in our environment. And what about the health effects of all the latest electronic and wireless technology being introduced at an increasingly rapid pace? Let’s find out how safe it is.

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A third component could be to teach and encourage Canadians, especially our young, to live healthier lives. Promote healthy diets and lifestyles. Fully educate medical caregivers in the prevention of disease and make it a billable element of our various government health insurance plans, to ensure that preventing disease and promoting healthy lifestyles becomes a priority.

These recommendations are only the tip of the iceberg of what we must do. We need to react smartly to these latest reports and other credible data that spell out looming dangers to our individual health and moreover, our very existence. Just adding more resources to our current health system as it is, may not be the best approach. Let’s first get healthier.

Jake Cole is former environment director, Canadian Coast Guard; former national manager, Canada’s R-2000 Home Program; former leader of employee health promotion project, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; former co-chair, Prevent Cancer Now; volunteer, air pollution in Ottawa project, Sierra Club Canada; volunteer, plastics overload, Friends of the Earth Canada.

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