Everyone on benefits has just 49 days left to respond to a potential change to Personal Independence Payments which could cut cash handouts entirely.

Currently, people who are eligible for PIP payments from the DWP can get up to £184 a week of support for living with various conditions, from diseases to chronic illnesses and disabilities – or £9,580 a year.

But in reforms to the PIP system announced by government, cash payments could be axed entirely and now people on the benefit have just weeks left to have their say.

It comes as the government looks to trim money from the welfare budget as spending by the end of the decade is set to balloon as claims increase.

The Department for Work and Pensions has set out various potential reforms but the deadline to respond is looming.

One proposal put forward by government is to end making cash payments from the DWP and instead to issue vouchers. It is not yet clear if the vouchers would be of the same equivalent value as the cash they would replace.

The government said in its Green Paper on the plans: “This consultation will be open for 12 weeks and we are inviting views from across society to ensure everyone has a chance to shape the modernisation of the welfare system. The findings of the consultation, which closes on Tuesday 23 July, will inform future reforms.

Andy Cook, Chief Executive of the Centre for Social Justice, said: “With the welfare system now grappling with the combined challenges of economic inactivity, school absence and mental health, this consultation provides a meaningful opportunity to shape the future of Britain’s welfare state.

“We owe it to those most struggling to make sure the benefit system provides the best support to those who need it. And with costs skyrocketing, it is time to bring the welfare system into the post-lockdown age.”

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