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Just deport them

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To those occupant(s) of the black car in Toronto last Saturday who shot up a Jewish girl’s school, as well as the same type of individual(s) in Montreal who shot up another Jewish community school on Tuesday, I say this: leave Canada. You are not the quality of human person that Canadians are made of. You are not wanted in Canada. 

To our Canadian Jewish communities, I am sorry for what you are going through. I am embarrassed of our Canadian Federal Government’s lack of response but, not surprised, as they are always reviewing a situation and never acting. If these scum are caught, I would love to see them deported along with their families. No need for a trial, save the money.

Gord Peters

(Innocent until proven guilty not to your taste?)

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Stopping is OK

Sorry but “no parking” and “no stopping” is not the same thing. In most jurisdictions ‘you can stop in a “no parking” zone for up to 5 minutes to load or unload passengers, or materials’. However, if it says “no stopping” and you stop to unload passengers you deserve the ticket.

S. I. Petersen

(You are assuming they didn’t get out of their car.)

Plan better

You really have to wonder how many neurons are actually floating through the brain trust at Calgary City Hall. Who, or what, half baked union bureaucrat decides to do street sweeping during the extremely busy drop-off and pick-up times at area schools? Are there no parents within the bureaucracy to step up and say no to this? Are parents now expected to drop off their little ones blocks away? 

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Ticketing parents for trying to do what’s right and safe shows how out of touch the playpen people are. I’m surprised they’re not doing street sweeping around McMahon stadium before football games or around the Dome before large events. Better yet, let’s do asphalt paving on the Trans Canada on the Friday of a long weekend. And politicians and union brass wonder why they’re held in such low regard. Duh.

Paul Baumberg

(You ever watched how parents drive when dropping off their kids? It is anything but ‘right and safe’.)

Where’s the money?

It would appear by the terrible condition of all the roads in Calgary that city hall’s misfit politicians subscribe to the eco extremist Guilbeault’s mantra of no more roads. If that is the case we taxpayers must be saving a bundle of money. Now Mayor Gondek, where is it? What have you done with the tax dollars and why was it necessary to increase taxes by 8 percent this year? I’d like to hear an explanation please.

Glenn William

(It’s being spent spray painting potholes. Next year, if the paint survives, maybe they will fill them.)

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