BT is the first telecoms company to axe a ‘ludicrous’ timetable that would have seen the nation’s old landlines replaced with digital phonelines by December 2025. The timeline for completing the transition has been pushed back to the end of January 2027.

Other companies including Virgin Media and O2, are expected to follow suit. Money Mail explains everything you need to know about BT’s decision and what steps you must take if you do not want a digital line installed.

Why has the digital deadline been axed?

BT has agreed more time is required to ensure customers deemed vulnerable will not be pushed into using the new technology until they are ready.

The previous timetable was described as ‘ludicrous’ by Silver Voices, a campaign group for Britain’s elderly.

Up to two million customers rely on Telecare alarm systems — emergency buttons that call emergency services via a landline when pressed that have not yet been adapted to digital lines. The telecoms giant is providing more time for companies to resolve this issue.

BT is ripping out traditional analogue copper phone lines and putting in internet cables

BT is ripping out traditional analogue copper phone lines and putting in internet cables

The Achilles’ heel of digital phone line systems is that you must plug the equipment into an electricity supply socket for it to work. This means if there is a power cut you may not be able to pick up a phone and dial ‘999’ emergency services in a crisis.

For vulnerable people this can mean the loss of a vital lifeline. BT has gadgets that can help, such as battery back ups, but more time is required to ensure the switch-over doesn’t put people at risk.

Why must I have a digital line?

BT is ripping out traditional analogue copper phone lines and replacing them with internet cables — saying the old lines are becoming worn out and too expensive to repair. Many homes are already connected to the internet with fibre optic cables and there is enough space on the lines to adapt the technology to use them for phone calls.

You keep exactly the same phone number as before. But rather than using an analogue signal for phone calls, a technology known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows you to communicate using a broadband internet connection. Sound quality should not be much different and charges for line rental are not changing.

What can I do to avoid it?

Inform BT that you are a vulnerable customer and as such do not want a digital phone line. Sadly, this does not mean it will never happen — but it can delay the switch by a couple of years.

Do not allow the telecoms giant to bully you into submission early. If you do not feel ready then tell them so because the deadline extension has given you time.

How can I prove I am vulnerable?

According to BT, no proof is necessary. Initially, anyone aged 70 or older could be classified vulnerable but this arbitrary age has been scrapped and you can now be deemed vulnerable at any age. If claiming disability allowance, suffering from mental health issues or confused or anxious about the switch, this should be enough to call yourself vulnerable.

Even if you live in an isolated areas prone to power cuts or with no mobile reception then you can still be classified as vulnerable.

The onus is on you to explain that you are vulnerable — otherwise you could be railroaded into making the switch early against your will.

Contact BT on 0330 1234 150.

Initially, you will be greeted by an automated phone service — but you will need to talk to a real person to explain that you are vulnerable. To do this, press ‘one’, ‘one’ again, and then press ‘five’.

Simply say, ‘ I am a vulnerable customer’ and explain why you don’t want to switch.

What if I do not use the internet?

You are a special case. BT has admitted this select group of 1.5 million people who are not wired up to the internet may be able to keep using their old landlines until 2030 if they live in an area without fibre optic cable connections.

In the meantime, BT says it will be working on extending the fibre network over the next few years and sending out engineers to install cable access to all homes.

How do I know I’m being switched?

Expect a letter or postcard in the post about a month before a proposed switch. You may also be sent a text or email. BT’s hard sell may make it seem as if you have no choice.

Look out for messages such as ‘Your home phone service is being upgraded. We’ll be in touch soon to talk you through these changes.’

You will then be offered a free palm-sized adapter worth £20 posted before you switch. You push this into an electricity power point and plug your existing phone into the back of the adapter. It has a remote signal that communicates like wi-fi to your internet hub to enable phone calls using your old phone.

You are also given a date when the switch will take place — unless you cancel by saying you are vulnerable. After being switched, your old landline stops working.

I don’t want to say I’m vulnerable

BT says if you do not want to switch or admit to being vulnerable you should consider cancelling your landline or go to another provider (though this may only delay you going digital).

In total all 29 million homes are due to go digital after trials in the East Midlands

In total all 29 million homes are due to go digital after trials in the East Midlands

But industry regulator Ofcom says providers have an obligation not to cut customers off from their line until they have ‘engaged’ with them. So if you refuse to respond to any correspondence — be it letter, phone call, text, email or even a knock on the door — then you should be able to keep your old phone line.

This is easier said than done. It will become increasingly hard to ignore such correspondence as the rollout targets all customers over the next couple of years.

What if I have a Telecare alarm?

In theory you should not be switched until the technology has been adapted to work — so there is no need for concern.

Check with your healthcare pendant provider, such as Telecare and ask when you might be expected to switch. House alarm systems linked up to emergency services might also stop working without being adapted. Contact your alarm provider to discuss the change and if your security system needs to be adapted.

What if there is a power cut?

In a power cut your phone line will stop working — but as long as you have a fully charged mobile phone and a signal this should not be a disaster.

However, for those living in isolated areas prone to power cuts or with no mobile reception BT sells an £85 battery back-up pack.

An alternative is an £80 hybrid phone that switches to working like a mobile phone if the landline is down. Tell BT you are vulnerable and they should send these gadgets for free. Be insistent and explain you need help.

You also have a strong case for an engineer visit so they can install equipment and show you how it works.

Will I have to buy a new phone?

BT says 99 per cent of old phones will work with its service Digital Voice plugging into an adapter. But if you fancy a new phone a BT Essential Digital Home Phone costs £30 and plugs into an internet socket without the need for an adapter.

The digital phones have a ‘1571’ free voicemail service but if you already have phone answering machine equipment, and want to continue using this, you might be better continuing with an adapter.

You can also plug your old phone into a modern BT hub. Check on the rear of your hub. If it has a removable black sticker, pull this off and underneath you should find a green traditional phone socket into which you plug the handset. If you have an older hub ask BT for a new one.

When will it affect me?

You may already be one of the several million who have switched. In total all 29 million homes are going digital. Following earlier trials, BT started putting customers on to digital lines in the East Midlands last July.

Yorkshire and the Humber were targeted in August with Northern Ireland enrolled in September. London and the North West began to be switched last Autumn. The brakes were put on the rollout in December after a number of ‘serious incidents’ when non-BT telecare systems were discovered not to be ready for the digital switch.

BT has shelved the regional rollout plan, for now, and says its primary focus this year is to target homes with a traditional line not used for the past 12 months.

After this, it is expected to pick up earlier expansion plans from later in the year by targeting Wales, other parts of the South East of England, West Midlands, the North East, South East and East Anglia and also Scotland.

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