Stephen Gold:  The longer the relationship, the more likely that all property – except for wealth acquired after break up - will be shared out

Stephen Gold:  The longer the relationship, the more likely that all property – except for wealth acquired after break up – will be shared out

Stephen Gold is a retired judge and author who has written popular series for This is Money on how to be a successful executor, writing a will, bankruptcy, consumer rights and legal disputes.

In part one of a new guide to divorce, he explains the ground rules courts use when splitting finances, and deciding maintenance payments for exes and children.

Brad and Angelina did it. Guy and Madonna did it Chris and Gwyneth, Paul and Heather and Sacha and Isla did it.

But not the chimpanzees in the trees. Divorce is not for them and, it appears, not for as many of you as in the past.

The number of divorces in England and Wales in 2022 was the lowest for 50 years. 

The pandemic may have had something to do with the drop and a wait for the no-fault divorce reforms to be activated.

However, I have a sneaking feeling that there is also a growing belief that divorce may be too expensive and that a loveless marriage is to be preferred to the consequences of what may be a dreaded financial remedies order.

That’s the name of the order which deals with the finances on break up. 

The split of capital; whether one party will be paying maintenance to the other and, if so, at what rate and for how long; and, increasingly, who will be supporting the family pet.

The financial remedies order will not just figure at the end of opposite-sex marriages but when same-sex marriages finish as well. And when a civil partnership is dissolved or where there is a separation order which keeps the parties married, albeit apart.

Also, when a marriage or civil partnership is annulled. Proceedings for nullity were largely unaffected by the divorce reforms which came into force on 6 April 2022.

The grounds for a nullity case in opposite-sex marriages include an incapacity or refusal to consummate.

If annulled, the marriage or civil partnership is treated in law as never having taken place so you could be granted a dozen nullities and advertise yourself as new goods!

The impossible dream

If only the financial outcome on relationship breakdown could be calculated according to a set of tables, a bit like child support.

One-half each of the capital in the pot and each party to enjoy an equal amount of income for seven years with an extra six months for each year of the relationship. It will never happen. No two cases are the same.

Divorce: Ground rules on splitting finances are 50 years old

Divorce: Ground rules on splitting finances are 50 years old

The ground rules

What the court is currently commanded to do is to achieve a fair outcome for both parties. In doing so, it has to look at all the circumstances of the case and apply a series of factors.

They include the parties’ ages and the length of the marriage or partnership, with cohabitation before the knot was tied often coming into the reckoning.

Obviously, what is available now and in the foreseeable future by way of capital and income will loom large as well as contributions to the family and any conduct of either or both which the court considers it would be inequitable to disregard.

The conduct will need to be pretty diabolical to rank.

The court will take some persuasion to allow evidence to be heard about that conduct factor because of the time and expense it could involve.

It may well even prohibit the conduct being relied on at all on unless it is alleged that it has resulted in material financial loss to the victim party.

In domestic abuse cases, a separate civil assault claim could be brought by the victim against the perpetrator in which damages are claimed – that could not be prevented – and with the financial remedies judge being asked to ignore the damages when assessing the victim’s financial circumstances.

It has been done but rarely.

In deciding what is fair, the court must have as its first consideration the welfare of any child of the family who is under 18. We will look later at regular monthly payments for a child.

In so far as a capital amount – formally called a lump sum – is concerned, the court can order this for or for the benefit of a child as part of financial remedies order.

As the starting point for the applicant’s payout, the judge will often look to see the effects of giving each party one-half of the available capital and then decide whether there is good reason to depart from that division.

The most common arguments used to support allowing less than one-half are that an asset has been brought into the relationship to which the other party has not contributed; it has been inherited during the relationship; or it has been acquired since the relationship broke down.

But the longer the relationship, the more likely that all property – except for wealth acquired after break up – will be shared out.

This is particularly so when the circumstances of one of the parties dictate this to be necessary so as to satisfy their needs (for example, because they have the sole or greater responsibility of caring for the children). This is called a ‘needs’ case.

These ground rules are 50 years old. Just like Mars Bars and Coronation Street, it might be said that the old ones are the best.

Nevertheless, the Law Commission has embarked on a review of whether the current law is working effectively and delivering fair and consistent outcomes.

It will be publishing a scoping report next September which could provide the basis for a full review and future reform. Or could not.

Don’t hold your breath. You are still likely to be blessed with the current ground rules in this incarnation.

Maintenance for ever? Payments to exes

An order for one party to pay maintenance to the other will not last for ever, and while in existence, it will be open to being reviewed or even cancelled at the instigation of either party because circumstances have changed.

It will run for the period the court sets, although not beyond the recipient’s remarriage or entry into a fresh civil partnership and only so long as both parties are alive.

It may run for the duration of both parties’ lifetimes. Or it may not. The court will want the party receiving the maintenance to become self-supporting as soon as reasonably possible.

But that may never be possible. What the court is committed to do when dealing with an application is to consider when maintenance can justly and reasonably come to an end or, indeed, whether it is appropriate to order a ‘clean break’.

That would involve terminating any maintenance obligation of the other party.

The clean break could be immediate. And it might be in return for the other party paying over a lump sum.

In other words, buying out the maintenance claim although the other party may be reluctant to go along with that if they reckon a new relationship for the recipient is on the cards pretty soon. They will never get the lump sum back!

Or the break could be after a limited period of years so long as the court is satisfied that the recipient could adjust to no-maintenance without suffering ‘undue hardship’.



Sometimes the court will make a ‘step down’ order. That would mean requiring the rate of maintenance to progressively reduce (for example, £200 per month for two years and then down to £100 per month and so on).

This might be appropriate where the recipient is unemployed, but the court decides they will or should reasonably be in work after a specified period and then, after a bit longer, be in better-paid work. A crystal ball should not be used for this purpose.

Money for the kids

As to regular maintenance for a child, if the parties are agreed about how much should be paid – even if they are in dispute about everything else! – the court can make an order for that amount as part of financial remedies.

But if they are not agreed, the court will usually be unable to deal with this and child support will need be sought through the Child Maintenance Service which has recently scrapped its £20 application fee. Business is down.

A child support calculation will ignore the payer’s gross income of more than £3,000 a week – for a water authority executive?!- but the court then has the power to top up the support.

There is also court power to order a party to pay or contribute towards school fees, including extras and uniform, training for a career or expenses attributable to a blind or disabled child’s condition. And this can be done whether or not the Child Maintenance Service has been involved.

Even with an order, either party call still go off and apply for child support to take its place after a period of 12 months.

This makes it risky for the payer to hand over more capital to the other party caring for a child in return for a reduced child maintenance sum.

Twelve months later, the other party involves the Child Maintenance Service and secures a child support assessment for an increased amount and is able to keep the extra capital. Game, set and match to the other party.

As mentioned, there are set rates for child support depending on the payer’s gross income. Gambling winnings generally ignored.

The amount payable will be reduced if the other parent has one or more children staying with them overnight for at least 52 nights a year.

The greater the number of nights, the greater the reduction. For example, the maintenance bill goes down by one-seventh for 52 to 103 overnights with Simon and Sarah.

Some payers factor in the discount when formulating their child contact proposals. Call me a cynic, if you must.

Child support is only available for a child under 16 or between 16 and 20 and in full-time education or who qualifies for the payment of child benefit or where the would-be payer is resident abroad.

Retired judge and writer Stephen Gold 

Ex-judge Stephen Gold’s The Return of Breaking Law, published by Bath Publishing, is an irreverent guide to legal rights and winning in court or losing well. 

It gives more information on the topics covered in this series of articles and is full of tips and templates. 

Among the numerous other areas featured are rights for cohabitees, succeeding on small claims, making a will, battling with sellers, creditors, domestic abusers, lenders and landlords – and how Stephen coped as lawyer to the Kray Twins. 

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If the Child Maintenance Service cannot touch maintenance for a child, then the court will, with the maintenance obligation normally lasting until the child’s 17th or 18th birthday.

The duration of the order can be extended because the child is continuing their education, training for a career or there are special circumstances, such as the child’s disability.

It would be rare for an order to be extended beyond a child’s first university degree.

In one High Court case, the issue was whether a 41-year-old vulnerable solicitor should continue to be supported by his wealthy parents who were happily married.

The relationship between the parents and their adult child had deteriorated. It was ruled that the court did not have jurisdiction to order maintenance in such circumstances.

Once the amount of child support has been calculated, it can be paid direct to the relevant parent.

Alternatively, it can be collected through the Child Maintenance Service which will take enforcement action where there is default.

But here’s the rub. The recipient then bears a charge of 4 per cent of the child support received and the payer bears a charge of 20 per cent which is added to what they are required to shell out.

When there is agreement about the child maintenance to be paid and the recipient wants to ensure it is kept to without Child Maintenance Service or court involvement, a formal document can be drawn up in the form of a deed which will make the agreement legally enforceable.

Then, if payments are missed, the party entitled to them can sue the other party in the county court for what is due and that could include any interest allowed for in the agreement or at the usual debt rate of 8 per cent if the agreement is silent on interest.

Best to have the agreement prepared by a solicitor. It could set a higher rate of maintenance than would be calculated by the Child Maintenance Service and could even cater for payments by a child’s step-parent who would not be hit for child support.

The step-parent, however, could be made liable to pay child maintenance in divorce or other matrimonial proceedings if they have treated the child as their own.

The payer under a formal document could end their liability for future payments by themselves applying for a child support assessment or seek a reduction in their obligations by applying to the court for a variation.

IN PART TWO… Stephen Gold explains pension sharing, belated applications to divide finances, remarriage and tax.

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