Poland’s most senior spymaster has warned that Vladimir Putin is thinking about a “mini invasion” on a NATO country.

Poland’s head of the counterintelligence service Jarosław Stróżyk has made accusations that Putin could either invade parts of Sweden or Estonia in an attempt to take over the Baltics.

According to the Polish media, Stróżyk said that “Putin is certainly already prepared for some mini-operation against one of the Baltic countries, for example, to enter the famous Narva [a city in Estonia] or to land on one of the Swedish islands.”

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The Polish spymaster believes that Putin has a dream to build a new Russian Empire, he added, “What the West is doing together to support Ukraine shows him that in the event of an attack on NATO, the Western response would be even greater.

On Tuesday during Putin’s inauguration, he issued a threat directly to the West, he threatened, “The destiny of Russia will be determined by ourselves only.

The despot said, “I will do everything possible, everything within my abilities to justify your trust.

Putin added, “We are a single and great nation and together we will overcome all obstacles and implement and realise everything that we dream of. Together we will win.”

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