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Instead of the city covering the repairs, perhaps the 125,000 or so annual patrons should be the ones covering the costs. After all, only an extra $50 per year in additional ticket charges per visitor, specifically set aside for repairs, would easily cover the costs. Artists being artists, though, they only want to make art and shouldn’t be concerned with the little things that someone else will finance.

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This would be a good place to take a stand; sell the building and property and move on.

Larry Kassian, Edmonton

Bills suggest outside influence

I find it very confusing that Danielle Smith, a self-proclaimed libertarian, and her government, recently introduced Bills 18 and 20. With these two bills, the UCP is assuming much greater control over monies given to municipalities and universities from the federal government, as well as asserting more control over the decisions made by municipal councils.

This movement towards more authoritarian control over the lives of Albertans seems to be the height of hypocrisy coming from a libertarian/conservative government that professes that the least government is the best government.

It is clear to me now that the fringe Take Back Alberta movement, consisting of anti-vaxxer/border blockaders, are beginning to wield outsized influence in this province to spread their extreme right-wing agenda. They started by successfully getting their puppet, er, premier elected and are now working on getting more and more of their followers elected to school boards across the province. With the recent bills introduced by the UCP, TBA’s agenda, and their influence on this government, is becoming more and more apparent. It has become all too obvious who the true puppet masters are in this ongoing saga.

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Byron Bailey, St. Albert

Renewal making a mess of 132 Ave.

I am writing about neighbourhood renewal; is there a possibility that someone, who can then inform the public, could come see/ photograph the incredible mess that is 132 Avenue north from 97 Street? See the houses that have no home delivery access, including ambulances, and so much more both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. We are paying for this?

Una Warner, Edmonton

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