Banco Bradesco S.A. (NYSE:BBD) Q1 2024 Results Conference Call May 2, 2024 8:30 AM ET

Company Participants

Marcelo Noronha – CEO
Andre Carvalho – IR
Ivan Gontijo – Presidente do Grupo Bradesco Seguros
Cassiano Scarpelli – Director Vice President
Andre Rodrigues Cano – Executive Vice President at Banco Bradesco

Conference Call Participants

Renato Meloni – Autonomous
Brian Flores – Citi
Jorge Kuri – Morgan Stanley
Mario Pierry – Bank of America
Thiago Bovolenta Batista – UBS
Tito Labarta – Goldman Sachs
Eduardo Rosman – BTG
Eduardo Nishio – Genial Investimentos
Pedro Leduc – Itau BBA
Paulo Gomes – HSBC

Marcelo Noronha

Hello. Good morning, everyone. I am Marcelo Noronha. I’m here to present the results for the First Quarter of 2024 of Bradesco. I’m here live speaking from Cidade De Deus, the City of God. It’s 10:31 AM. It’s a great pleasure to be with you once again. And before we start the presentation, I would like to say that unlike what we did in February when I started presenting the strategy in lengthier way. The idea here is not to present a strategy in so many details again, but we will summarize everything, and then we will revisit some of the topics as the questions pop-up.

And so, I will talk throughout the presentation about what we delivered in addition to the numbers related to the first quarter. And I’m sure I think you have the opportunity to take a look at the members since we published we posted the presentations and the release after 6:00 AM. Our net income, recurring net income was BRL4.2 billion. It was flat in relation to the previous quarter, but 46% better than the last quarter of ’23. And there are some points of attention here that are highlights of our balance sheet.

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