Ethanol-free gas is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin: Traditional fuel with no ethanol or other fuel additives mixed in. It’s just plain old petroleum gasoline with very little additives. While this sounds very simple, this is actually less common by today’s fuel standards than you might think. Even the regular fuels at the gas station pumps typically have at least a little bit of ethanol mixed in, both for economic and environmental purposes.

The finality of oil is an ever-present concern, so most fuel providers use ethanol as a filler to pad out their fuel supplies. As for the environment, pure petroleum fuel outputs a greater concentration of toxic emissions than ethanol-mixed fuel or pure ethanol, so health standards generally frown upon its usage. It’s for these reasons that you may not be able to find ethanol-free gas on the pump at your local gas station, or it’ll probably cost a bit more than the mixed stuff if you do find it.

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