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Out-of-touch Trudeau

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The Trudeau government has repeatedly shown total ignorance to the difficulties of operating small businesses. This latest additional tax on capital gains only exacerbates their serious financial woes. Unlike those in government, doctors, farmers, fishermen, small business owners and all those who are self employed must do their own financial planning for their pensions and the financial well being of their families. That means they must set aside sufficient funds and make investments for that purpose.

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Canada is already seeing family physician corporations shutting down due to red tape, doctor shortages and serious fiscal issues. This capital gains tax will certainly speed up closures. Polls show only one in five support Trudeau’s high taxing, high spending latest budget. Those supporters obviously are die- hard Trudeau supporters.

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Larry Comeau

(The budget hit a lot of people pretty hard.)

Stand up against hate

Who in our Canadian government types, federal, provincial or municipal are sticking up for our Canadian Jewish communities? When are our police and government leaders going to act firmly and consistently do their jobs and protect our Jewish communities? It is very obvious that pro Palestinian rioters are the choice of our governments and law enforcement. Do you hear Jewish supporters wishing for a Palestinian genocide or fire bombing muslim places of worship or breaking schools or threatening muslim children and teachers or blocking city streets/areas where muslims live or attacking Palestinian businesses? No. It is time to stop all pro-Palestinian protest. Their type of protesting where they are calling for Jewish people to be wiped out is not part of our Canadian constitutional rights.

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Governments in all of Canada, it is time to stop the pro-Palestinian protest.

Gord Peters

(They have a right to protest, but hate speech needs to be stopped.)

Just another campaign move

We need an URGENT response to the housing crisis, one of the PM’s own making. His URGENT solution is to develop homes on public lands, X homes by the year 20XX. An urgent response? Not even a dent. What percent are on federal lands? What percent require overreach? Not jointly addressing the effect of government spending on inflation and interest rates or the effect of immigration on demand does not constitute an URGENT response. This is simply another opportunity to electioneer.

George Ewert

(Trudeau will promise anything if it gets him re-elected.)

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