Perhaps the biggest shock most first-time Mac users get is the inability to efficiently resize applications on the display. On Windows, this is as effortless as dragging the apps’ window to either side of the screen and watching it snap automagically. Although you can do the same on macOS, you have to hover your cursor over the resize button and select one of the only two options available. 

This is where Rectangle comes to the rescue. This free tool lets you replicate the convenience of Windows’s split-screen app management. Once installed and set up, you can click and hold on an app’s title bar, drag it to the left or the right, and it snaps to that half of the display. This app extends the quick window resizing functionality to more than just the default two options you find in macOS. For example, drag a Window to the top-right corner, and it will take that quarter of the screen. 

Launching the Rectangle app unveils a gold mine of keyboard shortcuts that can be customized to your liking. There are shortcuts that let you maximize an app, place it in the center, or occupy a half, third, quarter, or even a sixth of the screen. The premium version unlocks mapping keyboard shortcuts to resize windows into any size and position, but the free tool is more than plenty to get your apps laid out on the screen perfectly. 

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