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With the return of the nice weather, I feel it is time to get back on my soapbox and encourage people to do some local cleanup. Yes, there are bigger issues that require attention, but as we all get back to walking and riding the paths and using parks, we will see that a lot of garbage has built up over the winter. This significantly lessens the positive experience, and poses a danger to wildlife.

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My wife and I did our first cleanup around St. Patrick’s Island as we walked our dog, and expect to do several more around Inglewood over the next few weeks. A plastic bag, a pair of rubber gloves and a few extra minutes is all it takes (although I did find a $15 garbage picker online that really helped).

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Every little bit helps, and the benefits are felt by everyone who uses these public spaces.

Bob Swan, Calgary

Premier’s quest for control comes with cost

Our premier feels the need to control your health care, your gender, your education, your pension, your law enforcement, your water — what’s next?

The main reason she wants to control federal funding for municipalities appears to be her disdain for supporting critical climate-change measures and her love-in with the oil industry.

The Conservatives introduced the carbon levy — it’s the only approach industry agreed on — but selective memory loss is their calling card.

Record drought, forest fires and temperatures are here, but the premier still wants to kick the can 30 years down the road when all those accountable for the disaster are dead.

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Those of us still around won’t have selective memory loss for her path to destruction.

Ian Wishart, Calgary

We don’t need UCP to play bartender

Service Alberta Minister Dale Nally doesn’t like four-litre containers of vodka. So don’t buy one. I wouldn’t purchase one. I understand some of the health implications of vodka consumption, but why shouldn’t the market decide?

If these containers are not viable for the distiller, they will be removed from the market in due time. If the government doesn’t like the price, then put an extra tax on four-litre containers to make them more expensive.

What’s next, restricting Costco from selling oversized bags of unhealthy snacks or regulating the supersized, unhealthy soft drinks from McDonalds? Or restricting cigarette purchases to one pack at a time, no cartons.

Hasn’t he got better things to do?

Ken Bax, Airdrie

Misinformation leading the housing debate

Our mayor and city council acknowledge widespread confusion in response to their citywide rezoning initiative, yet they stop short of taking accountability for the misleading narrative.

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In branding this proposal as “affordable housing,” they chose a term principally defined (even by their website) as low-income housing initiatives. However, in the context of the citywide rezoning plan, administration decided to stretch that definition to include all housing options under $700,000, which is roughly the median home price for a single-detached dwelling.

Further considering that their statistics show the housing gap applies almost exclusively to an underserviced low-income sector, it’s no wonder practical-thinking citizens of Calgary are questioning how a “blanket rezoning” could possibly meet the need for subsidized housing.

Tara Stewart, Calgary

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