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As a former longtime resident of Calgary, I still visit family every two months. On my most recent visit, I was driving on Deerfoot Trail and was distracted by some protesters on an overpass. I was shocked to see them with a rainbow banner and a sign saying “Perverts: Stop grooming our kids.”

Being a gay man, it was like a punch to the stomach. As ridiculous as it seems, my first thought was, “Is this what all of my friends and family in Alberta really think of me?” Upon discussing this with a few friends and more open-minded family members, I was told that this was a fairly common event; protesting LGBTQ+ and anti-vax issues, mostly.

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The Criminal Code defines a hate crime as anyone who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace.

I certainly felt intimidated by what I saw, not to mention shocked, hated and unwelcomed.

What has happened to the Alberta I left 15 years ago? What makes people think it is OK to do this? Who or what is giving them licence to do this? Are there not repercussions for these hate crimes?

James Quinn, Vancouver

Prioritize saving water

If the citizens of Calgary voluntarily reduce water consumption by turning off water when brushing teeth, showering with a buddy and reducing lawn watering, what about the filling of hot tubs and private swimming pools?

I would guess that would save some water. Do your part.

Lynette Paarup, Calgary

Social disorder can’t be ignored

I am an East Village resident, having purchased a condo last fall on 6th Avenue S.E. When we were shopping for our new home, we were aware of the Calgary Drop-In Centre and its effects on the neighbourhood. We chose the area with the least amount of derelict behaviour and subsequent loitering and trash.

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Seven months in, there hasn’t been a day when we haven’t felt uncomfortable at best, in danger at worst, in our new neighbourhood. The consensus of our neighbours is unanimous. The homeless population or, more specifically the addicts, roam our streets with what we conceive as complete lawlessness and impunity. Our buildings and parkades are constantly in danger of vandalism and crime.

I’ve yet to see a police officer intervene during a shoplifting event at the local supermarket, or a group of homeless harassing local business owners and residents.

My demand as a taxpaying resident? Consequences. Law and order. Banishment.

We pay high taxes, which I accept, and am the first to support social programs to assist and aid the disenfranchised.

The City of Calgary is investing in this beautiful neighbourhood and encouraging citizens to move here; now it’s imperative to move the Drop-In Centre to a different location so we can all live in relative peace.

Dave Belzil, Calgary

Give us government that serves citizens

The completely usurious attitude to the taxpaying citizens of this once great city is an abomination and deserving of a French Revolution reaction for unjust tax hikes, sneaky police traps and total uncaring for the welfare of its struggling citizens.

Enough already. It is time for a considerate government, not the grab-and-snatch we have been forced to deal with.

It is time for the ruling class to go.

Dennis Gordica, Calgary

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