Honda actually has one more car company in its umbrella, but it is not a company you are going to be able to head to a dealership and drive off with a new model. This a company that has yet to release its first vehicle to the public, and it won’t be available for a couple of years. This company is called Afeela, and it is a joint venture between Honda and tech giant Sony under the recently formed Sony Honda Mobility label.

Afeela is meant to be the next evolution of the electric vehicle space, and the company debuted its prototype back in January 2023. This is an EV filled to the brim with features, particularly from an entertainment front. This is a vehicle that utilizes Epic Games’ Unreal engine through 3D mapping to turn the world into a game on your gigantic dashboard screen or the screens built into the two bucket seats for the rear passengers. Not only that, but you could be driving by a restaurant, and up on your screen will show what the restaurant is, its business hours, and an average star rating. In terms of audio, the Afeela prototype can handle spatial audio, as well as create total silence with a noise-canceling feature.

Pre-orders for the Afeela won’t be accepted until 2025, and the vehicle itself won’t be ready until 2026, so Honda still has quite a ways to go before it can truly say it has three different automobile companies with cars on the road.

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