The way China regulates its tech industry can seem highly unpredictable. The government can celebrate the achievements of Chinese tech companies one day and then turn against them the next.

But there are patterns in how China approaches regulating tech, argues Angela Huyue Zhang, a law professor at Hong Kong University and author of the new book High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy

Chinese policies almost always follow a three-phase progression: a lax approach where companies are given relative flexibility to expand and compete, sudden harsh crackdowns that slash profits, and eventually a new loosening of restrictions. 

Zeyi Yang, our China reporter, recently spoke with Zhang about her new book and how to apply her insights to China’s tech industry, including significant new sectors like artificial intelligence. Read the full story.

If you’re interested in China’s approach to regulation, why not check out:

+ How China is regulating robotaxis. The self-driving vehicles are only accessible in a few Chinese cities so far, but national regulations have started to rein them in. Read the full story.

+ Four things to know about China’s new AI rules in 2024, from a potential new law to zooming in on copyright and safety reviews.

+ China is escalating its war on kids’ screen time. Here’s what Beijing’s new restrictions on child internet use mean for privacy protection. Read the full story.

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