State pension:  An 8.5 per cent hike from today boosts the full rate to £11,500 a year

State pension:  An 8.5 per cent hike from today boosts the full rate to £11,500 a year

Older people will get an 8.5 per cent boost to their state pensions from today, making the new headline rate £221.20 a week – up £902 a year to around £11,500.

Those on the basic rate, who reached state pension age before April 2016, will get £169.50 a week, up £692 a year to around £8,800. 

People on the basic rate also get hefty top-ups, called S2P or Serps, providing those were earned earlier in life.

This year’s increase was set by the triple lock, under which the state pension rises every year by the highest of inflation, average earnings growth or 2.5 per cent. 

The wages growth figure last autumn decided the latest rise.

The state pension is the bedrock of many people’s retirement finances, and a large cohort of pensioners live on it entirely, so the increase will be welcomed particularly by those on low incomes.

The inflation rate has fallen sharply in recent months – it was 3.4 per cent for the year to February, down from 4 per cent in January – which means the state pension will stretch further.

However, the full rate has got much closer to the £12,570 personal allowance, the threshold at which people start paying tax.

That means a full state pension plus a even modest private pension means part of your income could start to be clawed back by the Treasury.

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The triple lock was introduced by David Cameron’s Conservative Government in the 2011/2012 financial year, to ensure pensioners receive a decent rise in income every year.

The 2.5 per cent element keeps pushing the rate higher even in years when earnings and inflation are flat. See the table below which shows it has kicked in four times over the years.

Critics point out that maintaining the triple lock is expensive when public finances are in a straitened state, and question whether the elderly should get a bumper state pension increase when some workers are handed below inflation pay deals.

Supporters say many pensioners struggle to pay household bills while on a fixed income.

The UK also has the lowest state pension among rich countries based on one of the most cited international measures, although that does not tell the whole story because some nations roll their state and workplace schemes into one system.

The Conservative party has already said it will put a pledge to keep the triple lock in its manifesto at the next election, and according to recent media reports the Labour party is planning to do the same.

This table shows what decided state pension rises through the triple lock years (Source IFS)

This table shows what decided state pension rises through the triple lock years (Source IFS)

What state pension rules do you need to know

Men and women’s state pension age is 66, and between 2026 and 2028 it will rise again to 67. 

However, the timing of the next state pension age rise to 68 remains up in the air because the Government has delayed a decision until after the next election.

Not everyone is entitled to the full state pension, which is a regular payment from the Government until you die. Eligibility depends on meeting certain criteria.

You must have made National Insurance contributions for 35 years during your working life, or have paid voluntary National Insurance, or received credits from the government for years spent caring or other issues.

However, even if you paid in full for a whole 35 years, if you contracted out of paying additional state pension entitlements – S2P and Serps – for some years on top of that it might still reduce what you get.

Some elements of the old state pension – basic, Serps and graduated – rise at different rates from the triple lock.

> I paid NI for 45 years but £20 a week will be knocked off my state pension because I ‘contracted out’ – please explain? Steve Webb replies

You must have an NI contributions record of 35 years over your working life to get the full state pension - though some people who 'contracted out' of paying extra NI might get less

You must have an NI contributions record of 35 years over your working life to get the full state pension – though some people who ‘contracted out’ of paying extra NI might get less

Everyone gets the option of deferring their state pension to get more in their later years, and of filling in gaps in their NI record by buying state pension top-ups.

You can stop claiming the state pension after doing so for a period, and therefore get a boost to your payments later, but you can only do this once.

If you carry on working after state pension age, you don’t have to carry on paying National Insurance contributions.

Pensioners on a low income might qualify for pension credit. This tops up weekly income to a minimum of £218.15 for single people and £332.95 for couples at the new 2024/25 rates.

An annuity on a par with the full state pension would cost £250k

‘With inflation finally on the wane this increase will bring some much-needed breathing space to pensioner budgets that have been stretched to their limits by the cost-of-living crisis,’ says Helen Morrissey, head of retirement analysis at Hargreaves Lansdown.



‘However, the state pension comes in for its fair share of criticism. Despite two blockbusting increases in recent years, it has been described as the worst pension in the developed world.

‘Such comparisons are unfair given the different state pension set ups in different countries and the fact remains it provides a steady guaranteed income that pays out for life and forms the foundation upon which we build our retirement income.’

‘Its value can be shown if we look at how much you would need to save in your own pension to match what you get from the state. Data from HL’s annuity search engine shows you would need a pension pot of roughly £125,000 at age 65 to replicate what you would get from the basic state pension.

‘If you are looking at generating enough to match the full new state pension you are looking at more again at a whopping £160,000.

‘However, these annuities deliver a level amount of income that doesn’t change every year. If you also wanted an escalating income from your annuity, then you would need to put away much more again. 

‘You would need around £190,000 in your pension to get a single life annuity that starts at around the level of the basic state pension and then increases in line with RPI. To do the same for the new state pension you are looking at closer to £250,000.’

State pension hike means more older people will pay income tax

Thanks to the triple lock, the full state pension increases to within a whisker of the amount receivable without paying tax, says Royal London pension expert Clare Moffat.

‘Any income – including retirement income – above the personal allowance of £12,570 is subject to tax.

‘So, if someone’s income exceeds their personal allowance, which is not too difficult if they’re also receiving another pension every month, they will have tax to pay.

‘And what many people don’t know is that although tax isn’t deducted from the State Pension, it forms part of their taxable income, and the tax will be taken from their other, (workplace or personal) pension.

‘Retirees in a defined contribution pension and in drawdown can minimise the amount of tax payable. That’s because the income level can be altered to keep drawdown income below the threshold.

‘Those in defined benefit schemes, where a fixed amount of pension is paid every month, like public sector schemes, will often increase in April too. This, alongside the state pension rise, will push more income into taxable territory.’ 

Triple lock means state pension increases beat inflation

If the full state pension had only risen in line with inflation alone in the last three years, it would be £10,673 or over £800 less, points out Dean Butler, managing director for retail at Standard Life.

That means pensioners will be over £800 a year better off as a result of the triple lock, highlighting how valuable the current uprating system is to them, he says.

However, with the personal allowance currently frozen until 2028, the new state pension will account for 92 per cent of the tax-free personal allowance this year, meaning pensioners will need just £1,068 of income before they start paying income tax, explains Butler.

‘There are a few steps people with modest private savings whose annual income is likely to be around the personal allowance limit can take.

‘While 25 per cent of pension savings can be withdrawn tax free, the remainder can be taxed. For those incomes hovering around the personal allowance, it’s worth ensuring they’re not taking bigger lump sums on which they might pay tax if they can be avoided.

‘If they do have any ISA savings these are not subject to income tax so could be useful source of additional income.’

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