The ultimate “iPad baby” game has arrived.

Indie game developer and publisher Crescent Moon Games’ and Those Dang Games’ Screenbound tasks you with playing a game in 2D and 3D at the same time.

It’s sort of like those Subway Surfers/story time TikTok videos but in video game form.

A video posted to X (formerly Twitter) by @JakeSucky shows off Screenbound in action. In the mind-bending game, you control someone playing a Game Boy-like system that’s also dodging various obstacles at the same time. Whenever the player moves, their Game Boy character also moves. Making things more difficult, it looks like the handheld character needs to fight monsters, too.

I don’t know about you, but the video below looks far too stressful for Screenbound actually to be an enjoyable game — it kind of hurts my brain just watching this short clip.

The odd-looking game is clearly poking fun at how glued many of us are to our devices. Even Screenbound‘s Steam description plays up this angle with its summary: “Screenbound is a game about being distracted, but totally in control.”

It’s unclear when Screenbound will be released.

Image credit: @JakeSucky (Screenshot)

Source: @JakeSucky Via: Gamestop

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