If you already know all about frame rates, feel free to skip this part. This section is for people new to the motion picture and display world.

As you may know, FPS stands for “frames per second.” A video or a video game is a collection of still images displayed quickly to emulate a continuous stream and motion. Each “frame” is a still image. It’s meant to measure the rate at which the still images appear on the screen, also known as frame rate. So, 24 FPS means 24 images for every second.

Higher FPS often mean better visual fluidity but the content looks more natural too. On the other hand, lower FPS can lead to poorer transitions and choppier video playback. In video games, especially first-person shooters, how quickly images appear on screen, how long they stay at one consistent FPS, and how good the graphics look mean everything. However, filmmaking is a more traditional art with less flexibility, so filmmakers employ a low frame rate and use other tricks to make the playback look smooth and cinematic.

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