Conventional medical authorities say that consumption of saturated animal fats is bad for you and causes heart disease.

But a hundred years ago, fewer than than one in one hundred Americans were obese, and coronary heart disease was unknown.

The Procter and Gamble started marketing Crisco as a new kind of food — the first commercially marketed trans fat. Crisco was originally used to make candles and soap, but with electrification causing a decline in candle sales,

Procter and Gamble decided to promote the fat as a “healthier” all-vegetable-derived shortening

According to

“Feeding high doses of fat and cholesterol to omnivores, like rats and dogs, does not produce atherosclerotic lesions in them …

In fact, it turns out that people who have highest percentage of saturated fat in their diets have the lowest risk of heart disease …

The last word on this subject should go to Julia Child … Enjoy eating saturated fats, they’re good for you!”


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