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From navigating the current state of the economy to repaying their Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan, Regina’s The Penny University Bookstore had a difficult winter.

“We’ve essentially got more month left than we have money,” owner Annabel Townsend said, adding things haven’t been getting any easier for the 13th Avenue business.

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“I do feel very conscious about asking for help with our business because I know there’s so many other businesses really struggling as well — in possibly a worse situation than we’re in … .”

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With upcoming bills and expenses, Townsend made the impromptu decision to start an online fundraiser on Thursday. Community members have been showing their love and support of the independent bookstore, with nearly $3,000 already raised as of Saturday. While their goal is $10,000, she said they will be happy with whatever they can get.

“It’s been absolutely incredible, it really has,” Townsend said, adding she’s received many messages from the public asking if they can do anything to help.

“Everybody’s been so lovely about it. It’s a very difficult thing to admit, particularly as a small business … it feels kind of like admitting failure when you have to do this sort of thing, but we’re incredibly lucky to have such a fantastic community around here that supports local businesses and likes reading, so I’m very grateful to everyone.”

She said she felt lucky that they were able to repay the CEBA loan before the deadline in order to receive partial loan forgiveness. In order to come up with $40,000, instead of needing to pay $60,000, Townsend had to use the money earned over the Christmas season.

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“With retail stores, especially, you take a significant portion of the year’s sales in the run up to Christmas and it keeps you going through January, February and March when fewer people come out shopping and it’s generally miserable and it’s cold outside and everything else,” she said.

“This year we haven’t had the flexibility to do that because everything we took at Christmas went to paying the loan back in January.”

Without the money earned in December, things have been tight for the Penny University Bookstore. Townsend is concerned about an upcoming $2,700 payment for the renewal of their book management software Bookmanager, among other bills. The software allows the store to order books they don’t have in stock, see how many they have on their shelves, and find information about different books.

“It’s absolutely crucial for keeping the bookstore running in any sort of semblance of efficiency because it does everything for us,” she said, adding without the software the staff would have to go through retraining in order to run the store. “It basically makes everything run smoothly.”

Townsend said if they don’t meet their $10,000 goal they aren’t at risk of closing their doors, but the business could have to do some rearranging.

Annabel Townsend
Annabel Townsend at The Penny University Bookstore on March 22, 2024 in Regina. Townsend is raising funds, with a goal of $10,000 in order to keep the store running smoothly. Photo by KAYLE NEIS /Regina Leader-Post

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