Munich (dpa) – Industry and science in Germany have stepped up research and development in the field of artificial intelligence. According to an analysis by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA), Germany ranks second behind the US in terms of patent applications in this area for the German market. The number of published patent applications related to AI increased by 40 percent last year compared to 2019.  

German companies and research institutions accounted for 17.1 percent of the applications published in 2023, while almost a third (32.4 percent) came from the US. Next in the rankings were Japan, China and South Korea.  

“This powerful and broad-based momentum towards innovation indicates AI will play a major role in many areas of life in the future,” said DPMA President Eva Schewior. In terms of patent applications, German companies were in a comparatively good position on their domestic market, said Schewior, who also made an appeal to industry and science: “In view of the highly dynamic developments other parts of the world, we should continue to do everything we can to ensure we’re among the most innovative countries in this key future technology.” 

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