Toronto’s City Council is allowing Rogers to implement its smart traffic pilot program as part of its plan to manage congestion.

The pilot will see Rogers use 5G-powered artificial intelligence (AI) cameras and sensors to analyze and manage traffic at five downtown intersections in real-time. Rogers will install the technology along University Avenue at Adelaide, King St., Wellington, and York Street. It will also be available at the intersection of York Street and Bremner Boulevard.

The program builds on work the telecom provider did with The University of British Columbia. In 2022, it launched the “detection and traffic management” pilot, which studied how smart traffic technology could decrease congestion, improve the flow of traffic and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The company installed smart traffic sensors at five intersections. Within two weeks, it saw vehicle delay drop by 182 hours, pedestrian delay drop by 93 hours, and reduced 2.8 tonnes of carbon emissions.

Rogers will roll out the Toronto pilot in three phases, starting with the collection of data over several months. Phase two will include analyzing the data and determining areas of improvement through AI software. The final phase will see the software work in real time to manage traffic.

Image credit: Shutterstock

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