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Minutes before a city man was found bleeding to death in a Calgary street a woman heard a deadly threat, court was told Tuesday.

In a videorecorded statement, played because the witness was too ill to attend court, Calgary resident Lisa Edmand said she witnessed the deadly encounter outside her southeast apartment.

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“The victim, he had run across the street,” Edmand told Det. Glen Barrett, in the interview the morning of Sept. 22, 2020.

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“And the other gentleman kept saying ‘give me my f—— keys right now. I’m gonna f—— kill you,” Edmand said.

She said the “victim” went on to repeatedly ask for a cigarette, but the other individual continued to demand his keys.

“Give me my … keys right now or I’m gonna stab you.”

Eddy Nakasenh-Bandasak is charged with second-degree murder in the death of his roommate Ismail (Izzy) Charanek earlier that morning.

Edmand told Barrett she saw the assailant pull out a knife and make a slashing motion toward the victim’s head.

“He pulled out a knife and I could see it,” she said.

“It must’ve been about that long,” Edmand said, holding her hands apart.

“And from what I saw … it would’ve been around the head.”

Edmand showed the officer a slashing motion.

“And then the victim fell,” she said.

According to the pathologist who conducted Charanek’s autopsy, the deceased suffered multiple neck injuries.

Edmand told Barrett she yelled for her adult son Brenden, who was taking a bath, to go investigate.

“I said ‘Brenden, you need to get dressed, you need to go down there and you need to go see if this gentleman is okay ’cause I was too scared.’”

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Court earlier heard police arrived on scene to find a frantic Brenden Edmand waiving them down before they discovered Charanek’s body in the street outside 135 Lynnview Rd. S.E.

According to a statement of agreed facts, read in by Crown prosecutor Tiffany Dwyer, the officers observed “a body in the road with a large pool of blood congealed underneath, face down and facing southbound.”

Lisa Edmand said after the altercation the assailant fled the scene.

“I never seen someone run so darn fast,” she said.

Defence counsel Mary Stephensen agreed to have the woman’s statement put into evidence to complete the Crown’s case because of her current health state.

Stephensen also told Calgary Court of King’s Bench Justice Nancy Dilts she would not be calling any evidence on behalf of Nakasenh-Bandasak, who remains in custody pending an outcome to the case.

Final arguments are scheduled for Thursday.

X: @KMartinCourts

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