Tuesday, March 19: Remember, the government is only giving us back our own money, says one reader. You can write to us too, at letters@ottawacitizen.com

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We’re not naïve about carbon taxes

Re: Trudeau doubles down on April 1st carbon tax increase, March 13.

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In the past several days, seven provincial premiers have asked the federal government to pause the 25 per cent plus increase in the carbon tax, due to come into effect on April Fool’s Day. In responding, the prime minister and crew emphasize how these “short sighted” politicians are forgetting that reducing or eliminating the carbon tax would mean that most Canadians would no longer receive the carbon tax rebate cheque.

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What this crew conveniently and hypocritically omits to say is that we would not need the rebate cheque if they had not taxed us and taken the money in the first place. They seem to believe that average Canadians are so naïve as to believe that the rebate cheques are somehow financed by an outside benefactor. This is our money, people. This is the government creating an expensive bureaucracy to take our money, then creating another expensive bureaucracy to give us back some of it, then bragging about how generous it is.

The whole concept would be hilarious if it were not so insulting.

Grant Wilkinson, Ottawa

Commencement can work for all

Re: Yes, Ottawa high schools should make commencement more inclusive, March 15.

Brigitte Pellerin makes a lot of good points in the column but the one that stands our for me is “Inclusivity is a side-effect of empathy.”

The two are definitely linked. Kids go to school to learn, not just about academic subjects, but also about values, and getting along and respecting others. If they learn to be empathetic, to put themselves in the shoes of others, then they will come away with a life skill of huge value.

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The students at the ceremony will  have spent a number of years together. If they have an empathetic attitude, they already understand that graduation is not for everyone, for a lot of reasons, most far beyond the non-graduate’s control. Including these students in a commencement ceremony (a great name, given its forward-looking tenor) is a great example of empathy in action. It is good for everyone.

As for how to do it, one letter-writer tells us what worked on Georgian Bay: produce a program naming each student and, beside each name, identify the certificate each received. Pretty straightforward.

Gerald Dust, Orléans

Saint Patrick’s: Bring back parade

I was disappointed by the cancellation of the annual Saint Patrick’s Parade in Ottawa. Back in the early 1960s I was an “international student” from a special Canadian Jesuit College in  Darjeeling, India from where I gained a fully paid scholarship to then-Loyola College of Montreal. It had a strong Irish cultural influence, which partially rubbed off on me. With a fellow student from Kenya, I first attended the annual Saint Patrick’s Day  parade in downtown Montreal, with spectators of diverse origins, anglophone and francophone. This intercultural event made my Kenyan friend and I feel welcome to Canada and Quebec.

Ottawa should have been found to continue the traditional Saint Patrick’s parade in the national capital, to help express the true Canadian sharing of our complete identity.

Roman  Mukerjee, Ottawa

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