In 1993, “The Simpsons” aired “Marge in Chains,” which has a quick segment of a show within the show called “I Can’t Believe They Invented It.” The program shows off all sorts of useless inventions, including the Mobilier, the chandelier for your car. The joke is that it’s pointless and stupid, and a decade later, the fine folks on “Pimp My Ride” made it a reality.

Season 1, Episode 8 brought in Danelle and her 1981 Pontiac Trans Am. It appears as though the team wanted to make things classier, which the car was in desperate need of, given the side mirrors were only hanging on with some duct tape. While a chandelier is classy in a living room, it just feels out of place inside a Trans Am. At least it had some obscure company, as West Coast Customs also put an espresso machine inside the vehicle. 

The chandelier in the Trans Am is one of the more notorious “Pimp My Ride” Episodes. It even came up years later when Xzibit was interviewed by HipHopDX. He had a good laugh about all of the absurd things the team did, insisting he had nothing to do with the customizations. At one point, he even asserted, “I didn’t choose the paint. I didn’t choose the theme. I didn’t tell them to put a chandelier.” However, as the face of the reality series, Xzibit will always be affiliated with the oddest car modifications of all time.

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