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The federal government will be spending nearly $300,000 to improve security at nine Jewish community organizations in Montreal, Liberal MP Anthony Housefather announced on Thursday.

Housefather, who represents the riding of Mount Royal and is parliamentary secretary to the president of the Treasury Board, said the $293,083 in funding is part of Ottawa’s Expanded Security Infrastructure Program (ESIP).

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The ESIP program has a budget of $10 million and funds up to 50 per cent of the cost of security infrastructure in order to allow “Canadian communities at risk of hate-motivated crimes to protect themselves.”

The organizations that will benefit from the funding are the Federation CJA,  Académie Yéshiva Yavné, Baron de Hirsch – Back River Cemeteries Inc., Chaya Mushka Seminary, Congregation Shomrim Laboker,  Les Écoles juives populaires et les Écoles Peretz inc. (JPPS Bialik),  MADA Community Centre and the Reconstructionist Synagogue of Montréal.

The funding will be used to hire security guards, improve or replace surveillance cameras, install fencing, purchase film for windows to prevent injuries from glass shards and install barricades on classroom doors.

In a statement included with Thursday’s announcement, Housefather noted that “at a time of escalating antisemitism in Canada and around the world it was wonderful to see so many Jewish schools, synagogues and community organizations in my riding receive federal government support … to enhance security at their buildings.

“This program is more vital today than ever before, not only for the Jewish community but for other communities in Canada as well.”

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