My son wants me to invest my pension in his new business idea. Now you can take a 25 per cent lump sum tax free out of your pension, he says it’s easy for me to do.

I want to support him but am concerned I’ll run out of money in my final years and don’t want to live in penury.

R.G. Cheltenham

Money psychotherapist Vicky Reynal replies: It can be so difficult to say no when someone we love asks us for support. We don’t want to disappoint them, let them down; we might even be afraid they’d be angry with us. So sometimes we give money (or other things, for that matter) because we find it too hard to say no, but then regret our choice when we feel the cost of our decision.

So what would be the real cost to you?

As you weigh this, don’t just think about the money, but what the money means to you, ie: the emotional cost. What would living with the uncertainty of not being able to cover your costs for a good enough quality of life be like? 

Vicky Reynal advises: Don¿t just think about the money, but the emotional cost to you

Vicky Reynal advises: Don’t just think about the money, but the emotional cost to you

Think of the anxieties that come with that. Money is linked to our survival and living with the reality of not having enough to cover basic expenses can trigger very raw and primal fears. 

Living with that stress has both emotional and physical consequences – in fact studies proved there is a physical toll to financial stress. It is important that all of this is taken into account as you evaluate the cons of giving more than you can afford.

But don’t just think of this in binary terms – of you and him. There is a third element to consider: the relationship. It would be easy to make the assumption that if you give him money, he will be happy, you’ll avoid conflict and that’s good. However, the reality is that the relationship might suffer later down the line because of the high cost you are paying for it.

If you were to give him more money than you are comfortable with, this is likely to have an impact on your relationship: you might be so angry, with yourself and with him, if you find yourself in real financial need. 

So, while refusing money might not be what’s ‘best’ for him, it might be what’s best for your relationship in the long term if he, hopefully, can understand your reasons for saying no and overcome the natural disappointment that this might cause.

If you have weighed it all up and would still like to say no, then I would suggest that you bring all this together in one conversation. Acknowledge that he might be disappointed but that, after long thought, you have decided that contributing to the venture would put you in a financially precarious situation. 

You can emphasise that you hope your relationship won’t be negatively affected by this decision and that withholding your investment doesn’t mean you don’t believe in his business idea. But your decision is about the impact on your finances, and your wellbeing as a result. 

If your son is a good salesman he might try to convince you of the financial upside and the potential returns of the investment. However, the reality is that the upside is not guaranteed and that you would still be taking a risk with your money that you might feel uncomfortable taking.

Do you have a question for Vicky Reynal? Email 

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