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We are writing to express our grave concern over the recent sexual assault at the Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre. Present city policies allowing both men and women to share the same change facilities have served to attract potential sexual offenders and reduce the safety of children and women utilizing the area.

We have visited the family change room and noticed the lack of screening and signage explaining entrance criteria. There should be clear, visible signage stipulating who can enter and the consequences of not following the directive. Universal change rooms should be totally removed from all city facilities and any future recreational planning.

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We were severely dismayed and shocked at the city’s response that facilities are safe after reports citing 17 similar incidents in 2023 and over 33 in the last five years. It appears that the city views this as a normal casualty of providing gender-diverse facilities. One sexual assault perpetrated on a child in an area that’s deemed to be safe is too much.

The severity of this case makes it imperative that steps be taken immediately. Failure to take this incident seriously could make the city complicit in any sexual assaults that may occur in the future.

Alice Buie and Gino Restivo, Edmonton

Gender-neutral washrooms pose concerns

There is a growing trend to have gender-neutral bathrooms in our city, e.g., Laurier Park. Would I feel safe using these washrooms if alone? No.

The thought of sharing a bathroom with a guy, a total stranger, is not comfortable in any way. This is to accommodate a very small percentage of our population, a little over the top, I think. The powers that be I’m sure think this to be an inclusive and progressive move. Maybe it is, but also naive. We often read and hear about incidents of sexual assault on minors in public places.

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Online child abuse networks are regularly exposed in our province. Do progressives not think that an individual with nefarious intentions would not see this as an opportunity to take advantage? The barrier/deterrent that has existed for years has now been removed; this is the problem.

Please give us back our dignity and privacy; this will ensure safety for all. There can be gender-neutral bathrooms also, with multi-stalls for anyone who wishes to use them. I am hoping that Hawrelak Park, when it reopens, does not follow this trend — wishful thinking, I fear. After all, I don’t speak for any special interest group.

Bernie Crinklaw, Edmonton

Cartoonist should move on from Trudeau

Ok, Mr. Mayes, we get it — you hate Mr. Trudeau. We’ve been hit over the head with your drawings long enough to figure this out, and this is getting boring. There must be other politicians or worthwhile targets to bash on; you don’t have to look too far.

After all, equal opportunities for everyone, right? So please move on, already.

Robert and Annette Vasseur, Spruce Grove

Letters welcome

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