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According to the provincial auditor, 3,000 Saskatchewan Housing units are sitting empty with about 700 of those being in Regina.

Regina needs a mayor who will work towards tackling poverty, racism and homelessness in our city and advocate for Regina residents with the other levels of government. Growth, by itself, will not solve the pressing problems faced by many.

Ed Lehman, Regina

U of R story inadequate

I was somewhat surprised by the Feb. 29 article I read in the Leader-Post on the University of Regina’s 50th anniversary celebration. “Surprised” is the kindest word I could think of in light of the errors and omissions I found in the article.

In the list of buildings constructed in the 1960s, there is no mention of another significant fourth building that rose at that time in 1968, Campion College. In the next paragraph, there was no mention of yet another significant building constructed in 1973, Luther College.

Like FNUC, these colleges are very much a part of the U of R campus. Also in the article, the writer says that Luther and Campion colleges are “affiliated” with the U of R, obviously not aware of the big and fundamental difference between “affiliated” and “federated.”

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Federated colleges, do not offer their own academic programs. These colleges are not merely affiliated to the University of Regina, but are very much a part of its academic structure, its history and achievements.

I taught and served as an administrator at the university for 41 years, retiring in 2009. I know its history quite well. I am certain the Leader-Post wants to ensure the accuracy of what it prints, not matter how small or large the matter.

Samira McCarthy, Regina 

Pensioners getting T4s too late

I have problem with the federal governments way of getting the T4 slips to people who are on Canada Pension Plan and/or Old Age Security. The past three years, we have not received them by the end of February.

I thought that was the law. If I file my income tax one day late, I could be charged interest or fined. Being that income tax happens every year at the same time, why can’t they come back to work after the new year and start printing them then?

Just because they work for the federal government, that shouldn’t give them the right to break the law. That goes for any level of governments. All of them have the attitude: “Do as I say, Not as I do.”

Judy Seidler, Regina

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