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The hypocrisy is dizzying. One of the stated reasons that the UCP has declined to participate in the federal pharmacare program is the lack of consultation on the part of the feds. Apparently, it’s OK for a government to dictate without consulting medical authorities, who can receive hormones and other forms of medical treatment, however, providing universal access to life-saving medications is an affront to sovereignty.

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Diabetes is a life-altering condition, the worst effects of which can be largely controlled through expensive forms of medical intervention. When individuals do not have access to intervention, the cost to the public health system is often enormous. Unwanted pregnancies are also life-altering and can result in reducing life choices and more importantly, from a policy perspective, significant additional public and crippling private expenses, not to mention an increase in abortions.

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Does the UCP consider insulin a “lifestyle” drug? And do they have a problem with traditional heterosexual relationships? As Tucker Carlson might say “just asking the questions.”

Anthony McClellan, Edmonton 

Faith shaken in Alberta’s health care

My husband and I are traveling in Vietnam. Several days ago, he had a myocardial infarction caused by thrombosis. He is in a cardiac hospital in Vietnam and, despite the language barrier, is receiving good care. The doctors and nurses are professional and other patients and their families have been kind and generous.

Through contacts in Edmonton, where we live, it has been arranged that he can see a cardiologist soon after we return home; however, we have been advised that he must have a referral by his doctor in order to secure the one appointment available in March.

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The doctor’s office has informed us that it is the law that they cannot provide a referral until he sees the doctor in person. Does that seem right to you? We’ve always felt a little smug about our health-care system; however, based on this and other recent experiences I no longer feel smug nor even cared for.

Linda McCollum, Edmonton

Basic income would solve many woes

As an Edmontonian, I believe a guaranteed liveable basic income would help to address many of the issues with our homeless population, relaxing burdens on our ailing health-care system which the Conservatives are trying to tear apart, as well as hopefully seeing an end to a need for a separate welfare program.

Despite rampant inflation across all products and services — inclusive of housing, incomes are still failing to keep up. Even in multi-adult households, sometimes the second person is unable to take on a job due to familial demands on their time.

Peter Washburn, Edmonton

Letters welcome

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