Bell has introduced new features it says will help customers understand their monthly bills better.

The company detailed the three new features through an email to customers.

With the “at-a-glance timeline” feature, customers can get a quick view of any charges or credits that differ from their last bills.

For the more detail-oriented features, Bell has rolled out a new option allowing customers to click on any charge to get more information on it and see how the company calculated it. Through the new comparison feature, customers will also be able to get a detailed explanation of what’s changed between their last two bills.

A screenshot of the email Bell is sending customers.

The Montréal-based service provider says it’s also making bills available to customers five days earlier each month, starting on their next monthly bill.

These features are the latest in Bell’s move to change its billing system. Last month, Bell announced its moving its customers to paperless billing come April.

However, customers who meet regulatory requirements can request to continue receiving their monthly statements in the mail.

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