Opinion: Letters to The Province.

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Re: Surrey schools pull To Kill a Mockingbird and other books from recommended reading curriculum.

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I have to thank Premier David Eby for saying that what the Surrey school board has done in banning To Kill a Mockingbird was a “weird decision.”

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To Kill a Mockingbird was pivotal in my growing awareness of racism when I read it in high school in the 1960s. To see it being banned in a fit of woke over-sensitivity was beyond maddening.

I reject how even classic books by Agatha Christie, Shakespeare and even Charles Darwin must now come with warning labels or be rewritten to reflect modern sensitivities. I’ll decide what offends me.

I hope that the public will stop staying silent and yell from the rooftops that the Surrey school board is wrong.

Robert T. Rock, Mission City

A better way to prevent catalytic converter thefts

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This Richmond plan to engrave a VIN number on a vehicle exhaust catalytic converter makes no sense to me. Surely the thief or the scrap-metal buyer will grind or file off the ID number much faster than it can be engraved onto the converter.

A better way to prevent such thefts would be just to ban scrap metal merchants from buying motor vehicle catalytic converters. This approach would be far easier to police by local authorities.

Together with the chance of possibly losing a business licence and/or a big fine should deter scrap merchants from such illegal business.

Al Siddons, Vancouver

Coach Tocchet deserves a lucrative contract too

Re: The All-Star meeting that led to Elias Pettersson’s new US$92.8M contract.

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I’m happy to hear about Pettersson’s massive contract. He has the talent and probably deserves it.

However, thinking back over the last 100 games I think the person who has had the biggest impact on the team is coach Rick Tocchet. The coach certainly has put the team on a winning track. If the coach isn’t making at least US$2 million a year, with a five-year contract, he needs a raise, pronto.

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