Puglia: Authentic experiences among olive groves and whitewashed masserie

There is more to Puglia than its famous sea and countryside. In addition to pristine beaches, Puglia is home to UNESCO heritage-classified Trulli, a number of castles and cathedrals and masserie—the region’s unique and authentic farm estates—one of which has been chosen to host the forthcoming G7 Summit.

Amid olive trees, with their unique architecture and offering typical Apulian cuisine, the typically whitewashed masserie in Puglia provide an innovative and sustainable way of travelling. Nowadays, they are generally exclusive resorts, spas or rustic agrotourism accommodations. Puglia is a prime destination for those seeking to experience a traditional Mediterranean slow-paced life, relax in secluded courtyards and indulge in authentic local food.

Puglia and Sicily at ITB Berlin 2024
© Fabio Ingegno

Sicily: A top performer of Italian tourism

Sicily welcomed 15 million arrivals in 2023, and the region is aiming to diversify its offer by targeting new tourism trends. For example, 2024 is dedicated to roots tourism and communities of Sicilians abroad who wish to rediscover their places of origin.

Sicily has launched sustainable and slow tourism products targeting ecologically-minded travellers and is targeting film tourism with landscapes that look like true open-air sets, as well as sports and outdoor tourism. Cultural heritage is high on Sicily’s agenda with 7 UNESCO Sites, theatres, art foundations, monuments such as the recently reopened Arab-Norman Taormina castle, exhibitions, circuits, and 24 of Italy’s “Most Beautiful Villages”.

Puglia and Sicily at ITB Berlin 2024
@Regione Siciliana
Hall 1.2 / Stands 107 – 107 A – 107 B – 107 C

Source link news.itb.com