With a Rolls Royce Allison 250-C20 turbine engine, how easy is it to fill the fuel tank of the MTT 420-RR? If it only ran on jet fuel, this motorcycle would be not only the fastest in the world, but also the most inconvenient. Fortunately, the engineers at Marine Turbine Technologies were thinking ahead during the 420-RR’s creation, and made it possible to utilize diesel, kerosene, or jet fuel to power the motorcycle.

However, while the MTT 420-RR can accept multiple forms of fuel for added convenience, it also quickly burns through it. The fuel tank capacity is eight and a half gallons, but this won’t get you far. You’ll need to refuel approximately around the 60-mile mark, since it’s fuel economy is around 7-8 miles per gallon. This figure also depends on how fast you’re traveling. The turbine fully engages once you reach highway cruising speeds, and the higher your speed, the faster your fuel consumption.

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