Concept products are a strange thing: they can blow your mind or make you question why they exist. Either way, there’s going to be a deep-seated part of your soul that really wants to own the odd product on offer. Lenovo’s clear laptop ticks every box in this category. It does have niche uses, mind. The example Lenovo showcased involved an engineer positioning it over a river and then sketching in the bridge they want to build. You could also theoretically use it to design a mural or any other kind of art project. It can function as headset-free AI should you need it to, as well.

Whether all of this is enough to justify an actual launch is up for debate — and, as you may suspect, there are flaws for consumers interested in the device to consider. You don’t really get “blacks” in an image, you get transparency, so viewing things in high quality is out of the question. The keyboard is a touchscreen affair, so typing long pieces on it is basically out of the question. Still, there’s enough there to generate interest and even if the full product doesn’t end up on general sale, elements of it will likely crop up on Lenovo’s devices as the years go on.

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