In addition to managing your engine’s RPM, you should also drive in as high a gear as you practically can. Gear selection and your ideal RPM range are closely linked. Higher gears allow the vehicle to move faster at a lower RPM. So while you can go quickly in a low gear, especially in a high-performance car, the engine will have to work very hard to get you to that speed.

When moving up the gears, you should shift as early as possible. When the throttle is open, your engine has a far easier time bringing in air. Shifting up efficiently keeps the RPM low, so you get the best of both worlds. The engine has access to plenty of oxygen so it can burn fuel efficiently, while not working too hard in terms of RPM. In most cars, you should think about shifting as your vehicle approaches 2,500 RPM. High-performance cars tend to operate better with a higher rev range, but you can still shift up smoothly with enough throttle.

Shifting up too early can put a strain on the engine, so make sure you take note of any feedback your car gives you. If it starts to struggle with every shift, then you’ll need to up the RPM a little before you press the clutch and move up a gear. If you pay close attention, it doesn’t take long to work out what your car likes to do and learn how to cycle through its gears in the most efficient manner.

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