Brits are paying VAT on their toilet roll as the government deems this to be a “luxury” item, however Rishi Sunak’s enjoyment of helicopters are not deemed to be a luxury item.

Jeremy Hunt rakes in a whopping £247 million a year from VAT from the essential item, as a typical household will use around 127 rolls a year.

Who Gives a Crap are calling on Hunt to stop giving Brits a bum deal and flush the VAT down the toilet on the so called “Roll Tax.”

Who Gives a Crap found in a survey that seven out of 10 Brits did not know there was VAT on loo roll and 87% of people class the household item as essential, more worrying the government does not class “VAT free items, such as caviar” as a “luxury.”

Ahead of the Spring Budget the organisation are calling on the Chancellor to flush the “Roll Tax,” and in a submission in an open letter, the Bloody Good Period, the Hygiene Bank and Freedom for Girls have also signed the letter,  but will Hunt give a crap?

The Exchequer rolls in £247 million on VAT from loo roll as the UK spends about £26 million on toilet roll a week.

The orgnisation, Who Gives A Crap has launched a public petition with Change.Org, to try and gather more public support to scrap the tax.

Emily Kraftman, UK managing director of Who Gives A Crap, said: “We know that something as humble as the toilet roll can make a huge difference to people’s lives, especially as the cost-of-living crisis continues.

“We were baffled to find that toilet roll is taxed as a luxury, when it’s one of the most essential items in our weekly shopping carts – especially when compared to some of the more ridiculous, VAT-free items, such as caviar.

“We’re calling on the government and the Chancellor to make this small change today that will benefit every single one of us – and committing to pass 100% of the savings on to our customers.”

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