Labour will put an end to fox hunting within the first five years once they are in power as there is no majority in “any part” of the UK who want to see this to continue 20 years after Sir Tony Blair’s government introduces the 2004 Act.

In 2004 Sir Tony Blair’s administration introduced the Act which was seen as an act of class warfare, instead of improving animal welfare.

Steve Reed, the Shadow Environment Secretary said they will close the “loopholes” that are in place which does allow some sort of hunting to continue which is still seeing animals killed as a result.

The Hunting Act will be toughened up under Labour which will see an end to trail hunting  that will put an end to hounds killing people’s pets or even livestock.

Country campaigners are urging Labour to abandon their plans to end the “loopholes” to end their “attack on rural communities.”

The Shadow Environment Secretary said the introduction of the new policy is not about “telling country people how to live their lives,” but insisting this is what many rural voters would like to see.

Reed said: “People have seen the images of packs of hounds getting into private back gardens, killing cats, ripping flocks apart.

“There’s not a majority in any part of the country that wants to see that continue.

“The hunting ban was passed under the last Labour government and it has been maintained under this Conservative government. So that seems fairly settled to me.

“But there are loopholes in it, drag hunting, for instance, that allow hunting to continue, and foxes – and indeed domestic cats and other mammals – are still getting killed as a result of those loopholes and we will close those loopholes.”

The Countryside Alliance strongly urged the Labour Party to not introduce new legislation as they do not want to “fight over hunting again.”

Tim Bonner, the chief executive, said they will oppose any new restrictions to toughen up the ban.

He told The Times, “Ultimately the countryside doesn’t want to have to have a fight over hunting again.

“But it will not sit back and allow itself to be bullied and become victim to a toxic culture war.”

Reed stressed, “This isn’t this isn’t to do with urban people telling country people how to live their lives. This is something country people want brought in.”

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