The first Sora-generated video to gain mass attention also happens to be the video embedded alongside the tweet introducing Sora. The video showcases a couple walking the streets of a snowy Tokyo city, as petals from roadside Sakura trees (also called the cherry Blossom) fall onto the pavement.

Another impressive video shows a herd of woolly mammoths making their way through a snowy meadow. The prompt for this video also specifically insists on keeping the camera angle low for a more dramatic effect. It also mentions that the lighting should be such that the video should look as if it were shot at noon.

Another video that has gained popularity also involves Japan and showcases what appears to be a stylish Japanese woman walking the impeccable streets of Tokyo. This, however, was also the first video that we found a few issues with. While the video centers attention around the woman, if you look carefully, many of the people that are also seen in the video have unusual gait and a rather strange way of walking, almost as if they’re floating.

Then again, given the fact that the woman and everyone else in the video do not really exist, what Sora has created is truly incredible — but it could feel borderline creepy for some.

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