Your assessment of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s spectacularly disruptive behaviour in the EU is largely on target (“What is the endgame for Europe’s chief disrupter”, The Big Read, February 2).

In fact, Orbán’s larger-than-life political ego — rivalling that of his hero Donald Trump — drives his excesses, his bluster and the frequent use of political blackmail. He is personally responsible for the fact that Hungary — which accounts for 1 per cent of the EU’s aggregate gross domestic product — cast 60 per cent of the bloc’s foreign and security policy vetoes in the past six years, an astonishing imbalance.

It’s no secret that Orbán has outgrown Hungary. He has long wanted to be a major international player at all costs. Especially in European politics, where he strives to become the standard bearer of the continent’s extreme right, as well as anti-immigration and anti-Brussels forces.

Orbán’s much cultivated special relationship with Vladimir Putin has served to build his big league credentials and counterbalance his increasing political isolation within the EU. Under his much-heralded “pivot to the east” strategy, Orbán has managed to establish a unique relationship with Beijing, bringing large Chinese investments to Hungary. During Trump’s presidency, Orbán finally received the long-coveted recognition from America as well. Trump praised Orbán as his political “twin” and Europe’s strongest leader.

Orbán’s recent Ukraine vetoes have been the height of hubris: Budapest against 26 European capitals, including three from the G7. At the end of the day, he has lost much face and credibility within the EU for which the Hungarian people pay the price.

So Mr Orbán, enough of playing poker. Enough of the grandstanding. It’s time to return to your league before it’s too late. I am asking for this as a deeply concerned Hungarian citizen currently living in America.

Istvan Dobozi
Sarasota, FL, US

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