I was very dis­ap­poin­ted to see the front-page head­line “Trump opens 11-point poll lead over Biden on stew­ard­ship of US eco­nomy” (Report, Feb­ru­ary 12), while “Trump’s Rus­sia remarks trig­ger Nato fears” was tucked away inside the paper (Report). Glor­i­fy­ing opin­ion, while mar­gin­al­ising fact is a decision that may have the FT wad­ing into edit­or­ial quick­sand.

It is Feb­ru­ary of a long elec­tion year and one poll’s res­ults pale in sig­ni­fic­ance com­pared to the stated com­mit­ment of one of the can­did­ates to under­mine Nato. Inflam­ing emo­tion rather than provid­ing edu­ca­tion is just the oppos­ite of what I expect of the FT.

David Schwab
Miami, FL, US

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