Mar­tin Wolf’s excel­lent art­icle “The UK needs lead­ers who dare to be bold” (Opin­ion, Feb­ru­ary 5) cor­rectly points out that the Brit­ish people are dis­il­lu­sioned with their polit­ical lead­ers. He high­lights a lack of bold policies as a key reason for this dis­sat­is­fac­tion which in my opin­ion is sec­ond­ary to the key ingredi­ent of fair­ness. Polit­ical lead­ers who become vastly enriched once leav­ing office hav­ing failed at their job is what really makes us dis­il­lu­sioned with lead­er­ship. The 2010 tri­um­vir­ate of David Cameron (Greensill Cap­ital); George Osborne (Black­Rock) and Nick Clegg (Face­book renamed Meta) have set an appalling example.

Mark Pears
Lon­don NW3, UK

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