The think tank, Resolution Foundation suggests people should be allowed to “borrow” from their pension pots to manage financial challenges before retirement. They believe this could help individuals handle significant events or difficult circumstances.

According to the Foundation, Britain faces a £74 billion savings gap compared to a nation where every working family has at least three months’ income saved for emergencies. To address this, they recommended introducing a “sidecar savings” scheme along with workplace pensions.

Currently, the pension freedoms mean that access to pension pots can only begin at age 55. The report proposes amendments allowing savers to borrow the lesser of £15,000 or 20 percent of their pension pot’s value to cope with pre-retirement financial pressures. These loans would then be repaid via increased contributions directly into their pension pots at a later stage.

The think tank noted this flexible approach has already proven successful in the United States and emphasised that families face a “triple savings challenge” saving more for rainy days, significant life events, and retirement.

The Precautionary Tales report, in partnership with the abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, revealed that about one in three working families don’t have a basic rainy day savings pot of at least £1,000. Families with low savings are more likely to depend on credit cards, overdrafts, or borrowed money for daily expenses, according to the Foundation.

Having modest savings of £1,000 can help cover unexpected costs like broken fridges and car repairs, but larger savings are needed for bigger life events such as job loss or family breakdown. The Foundation found that less than half of working families have savings worth at least three months’ income, indicating a £74 billion savings shortfall in Britain.

Automatic enrolment into workplace pensions has boosted the number of people saving for retirement, but many aren’t saving enough for a comfortable later life income (at least two-thirds of their pre-retirement income). The report discovered that around two-fifths of working age people fall into this category.

The report suggests that minimum auto-enrolment contributions should be gradually increased from eight percent to 12 percent of qualifying earnings, with employer and employee contributions equally matched at six percent each. At present, the eight percent minimum comes from employers contributing at least three percent and employees making up the remaining five percent.

A new report suggests Brits should opt for a 12 percent contribution into an easy access “sidecar savings” scheme of up to £1,000. Any additional contributions could then be directed into a pension pot. It has been proposed that these savings will revolutionise the number of families with “rainy day” funds, as auto-enrolment did with pension saving, while also boosting retirement incomes.

Molly Broome, an economist at the Resolution Foundation said: “Families across Britain face a triple savings challenge not saving enough for rainy days, bigger life events, or for a decent income in retirement.”Furthermore, she stated, “One in three families in the country have less than £1,000 in savings which left many people exposed during the cost-of-living crisis while around 13 million individuals aren’t saving enough for an adequate income in retirement.”

To tackle this, she suggests, “We can address all three challenges by building on the success of pensions auto-enrolment to opt more people into both easy access and long-term saving.” Mrs Broome believes offering increased flexibility over pension pots, similar to other countries, could support those in difficult circumstances, ultimately strengthening family finances during their working lives and into retirement.

Echoing this sentiment Mubin Haq, CEO of the abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, curtailed: “Britain is not a nation of savers. Too many have little to fall back on, lacking the rainy day buffers that prevent a drama turning into a crisis.”

“Savings are essential to weathering economic shocks but current financial initiatives have done little to boost savings for those who need them most. Greater contributions are also needed to prevent hardship in retirement.”

“Pensions auto-enrolment offers a great opportunity to provide a safety-net millions don’t currently have. This would cover the funds needed for those rainy days, for when life shocks happen and help provide a decent income at the end of our working lives.”

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesperson said: “Automatic enrolment has already helped nearly 11 million people save for their futures, with £116 billion saved in 2022. Also the number of eligible private sector low earners now saving for a pension has risen from 17 percent in 2012 to approaching 80% today.”

“And to help those on the lowest incomes save, we offer targeted support including through our Help to Save Scheme which offers a 50 percent bonus on monthly deposits of up to £50 and saw use increase by over a quarter in the last year alone.”

“We also encourage people to take advantage of the Government’s Midlife MOT offer, which helps them take stock of their finances and plan for retirement.”

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