Once you’re done taking a look inside the 3D version of Allegiant Stadium (which includes the Apple Music logo plastered over the field), you can zoom around to look at other nearby landmarks with the same level of detail. For example, the Tournament of Kings is also visible in 3D, as is the Excalibur Hotel & Casino and Luxor. Unfortunately, the interior look at the three-dimensional stadium in Apple Maps doesn’t appear to work on the iPad, though that’s likely because few people would use their iPad for mapping when the iPhone is so convenient.

As for the big game itself, we’ve seen a number of commercials from major brands already, including from major automakers like Volkswagen with its nostalgic history-centric ad and T-Mobile with its first Spanish-language advertisement during a Super Bowl via the Univision broadcast. It’s no secret that ads are a big draw for the Super Bowl, which has had some winners like the Tide onslaught of 2018, as well as some flops, including Meta’s bizarrely depressing VR commercial in 2022.

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