Titled “An American Love Story,” the two-minute spot starts in black-and-white with Neil Diamond’s “I Am… I Said” playing throughout its entirety. The song references “a frog who dreamed of bein’ a king,” highlighting the Beetle’s unlikely success story. It debuted in America at a time when big boxy cars were in style, while its design was quite the opposite. The commercial plays up those humble beginnings by showing the Beetle’s debut in the country, depicting its arrival in a New York port after passing the Statue of Liberty — recalling the journey of turn-of-the-century immigrants. 

As it drives through the streets of the city for the first time, New Yorkers give it odd looks, not sure what to make of the quirky-looking car. But then a young couple sees it in a showroom and seems to like it. The ad then transitions to color as the blue Beetle is driving down a country road. What follows is a montage showing Volkswagen becoming ingrained in American culture, starting in the mid-century and moving forward through the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, and beyond. The fictional Herbie the Love Bug makes a cameo, as do Bart and Lisa Simpson making a “punch buggy” joke.

The ad wraps up with the text: “We shape its metal … you shape its soul.” Finally, the electric ID. Buzz appears and drives down a modern New York street, getting odd stares from a modern couple in the 21st century, bringing things full circle — Volkswagen is still turning heads with its unique designs.

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