The use case that Notion is perhaps most known for is productivity, and when it comes to trying to level up your own productivity, there’s no piece of advice more recurrent than using a planner. Naturally, if you’re looking to use Notion to step up your productivity, there’s no better place to start than a good planner.

For any planning needs, the Productivity Weekly Planner by Kadra Aden is one of the best options out there. The setup is simple enough, with rows for Monday through Friday, as well as an inbox for tasks with no specific assigned day. You can also easily add rows for Saturday and Sunday as well. Additionally, there are five columns marked Quick Ticks, Tasks, Projects, Done, and New.

When adding an item to any column on any row, you can assign the item a priority, number, progress status, and due date. Additionally, you can tick any item as being non-negotiable. Aside from the weekly planning view, the template comes set with tasks organized by progress status, assignee (for shared boards), and due dates.

This template makes for an easy, versatile planner for individual or group project use if you’re looking for a simple, but robust way to organize any daily items based on priority and type. At the same time, this template is the complete opposite of overwhelming, which can certainly be an issue with some Notion templates. If you’re looking for a good starting point that you can build off of to get a good start with Notion, Kadra Aden’s Productivity Weekly Planner is a surefire way to go.

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