Having just read “JLR calls for more police after spending own money to net stolen Range Rovers” (February 3), I walked my dog through our local railway station car park. And lo and behold, a shiny large Range Rover — tinted windows, the works — was parked, engine loudly idling, but with no apparent occupant.

Nobody was to be seen or found. The doors were open and the car was indeed empty. So I can only imagine that the owner had pocket-dialled (I am being polite and using the English term) the remote starter/door locks upon sitting down on the train.

Not a security risk for me with my 1964 Alfa. But rather than calling for more police help, I question whether Adrian Mardell, the JLR boss, should not perhaps be educating his customers better as to his products’ intricacies, or (if he isn’t already) at least including a simple Faraday signal-blocking pouch with each new car sold.

Donald H Malcolm
Cardross, Dunbartonshire, UK

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