Since Japanese-made Makita tools are mainly sold domestically, once you narrow down your Makita search results on eBay using “Japan” or “Made in Japan,” the vast majority of the results will be from Japan-based sellers. This is likely to increase the price due to shipping costs. But if you want to limit the search to U.S.-based or North American sellers more broadly, you can do that.

To narrow down the results and filter out overseas sellers, scroll down until you see the “Item Location” heading on the left side of the screen. There, you’ll see radio buttons that you can click to narrow down the search to U.S.-based or North America-based sellers. Since we’re talking about saving on shipping costs, U.S.-based sellers would be your best bet. That greatly reduces the number of items available, though, from, as of this writing, almost 800 down to 24.

From there, it’s a question of how the prices, shipping included, compare betweenthe Japanese and American sellers. Since the Japanese ones won’t have American warranties, you may also want to factor in the cost of a third-party warranty from the likes of Allstate, as well.

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