CME is once again the most valuable exchange brand in the world, up 5% with a brand value of $2.4 billion, according to Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy.

Markets in 2023 were impacted by rising interest rates, geopolitical uncertainty, and sluggish economic growth, and Brand Finance data revealed exchanges that developed and executed strategies to navigate those challenges saw strong returns on brand value.

Innovation and market expansion were also significant drivers of brand value in Brand Finance’s Exchanges 10 2024 ranking.

Nasdaq is the fastest-growing exchange brand (brand value up 32% to $2.3 billion) and jumped two spots in the ranking, from fourth to second.

NYSE, a brand owned by ICE (Intercontinental Exchange), has seen a notable improvement in its brand value (up 14% to $2 billion) and brand strength (up from 79.6 to 82.0), metrics that indicate a stronger market position and enhanced brand perception.

Outside of the US, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) demonstrated a commitment to expansion and innovation, drivers of a brand value increase of 3% to $2.1 billion this year.

The brand value of TMX resurged, enabling the brand to re-enter Brand Finance’s Exchanges 10 ranking for the first since 2016. The Canadian brand’s value rose 11% to $386 million.

The London Stock Exchange brand was included in the Brand Finance Exchanges ranking in previous years but has been incorporated into the broader LSEG brand as part of the Brand Finance’s Commercial Services ranking. This reallocation was made in recognition of the LSEG rebranding and identity alignment across the LSE, Refinitiv, LCH, and FTSE Russell products last year.

As part of the Brand Finance Global 500 ranking, the now-unified LSEG brand was valued at just under USD8 billion, far larger than any of the other brands included in the Exchanges ranking.

Every year, leading brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance puts 6,000 of the biggest brands to the test, and publishes over 100 reports, ranking brands across all sectors and countries. The world’s top 10 most valuable and strongest Exchanges brands are included in the Brand Finance Exchanges 10 2024 ranking.

Brand value is understood as the net economic benefit that a brand owner would achieve by licensing the brand in the open market. Brand strength is the efficacy of a brand’s performance on intangible measures relative to its competitors.

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