Robert Shrims­ley’s ana­lysis “Sunak’s ‘Italian Job’ moment” (Opin­ion, Feb­ru­ary 1) is spot on — that the Tor­ies’ pre­dic­a­ment is not unlike the cliff­hanging end­ing of the iconic Brit­ish film com­edy, with the tee­ter­ing bus in the final scene, stolen gold head­ing for the open back doors and over the cliff when its lead char­ac­ter Charlie Croker announces: “Hang on a minute lads, I’ve got an idea”.

The Tory bus has clearly wobbled on the edge for nearly the last time and recent events to replace Prime Min­is­ter Rishi Sunak with an altern­ate leader will prob­ably implode the whole show and lead to their elec­tion wipeout.

Dam­age lim­it­a­tion to reduce the carnage seems to be off the agenda for many Tory lead­er­ship plot­ters, des­pite facing an elect­or­ate that has stopped listen­ing to the end­less Tory nec­ro­mancy of indi­vidu­als who got us here in the first place. Gov­ern­ing with dig­nity and com­pet­ence shouldn’t be bey­ond the reach of an admin­is­tra­tion that has been in power for well over a dec­ade and their cur­rent leader is, in real­ity, now their only hope of avoid­ing a swift exit and the bus hit­ting real­ity in the val­ley below.

The pro­du­cers of The Italian Job film had planned both a dif­fer­ent end­ing (in which the Mafia res­cue the bus with two heli­copters and a steel rope, all the rob­bers and of course the gold) and indeed a sequel film in which Charlie and the gang try and recover their gold — and their dig­nity. Neither made it on to the screen in the end; the cliff­hanger of the dangling bus remains forever on film.

The Tor­ies’ prob­lem is that they need to have voters agree with them that a sequel is indeed deserved or at least the end­ing isn’t as bad a dis­aster as it cur­rently seems it will be.

Hopes of a Hol­ly­wood end­ing that help steady the bus and deliver the gold into their hands as it sways over the pre­cip­ice seem fanci­ful if they can’t even col­lect­ively agree to back their lead­ing char­ac­ter this close to an elec­tion.

Lee Callaghan
Lon­don N22, UK

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